Monday 12 May 2014

The eyebrow shape is here to stay

The fashionable eyebrow shape always seems to be changing but this seasons style seems to be here to stay

Firstly I'm very sorry for not posting for a while as I have been busy but I will still post daily blogs normally again.

Eyebrow angles as directed from a makeup set
The fashion for the shape of eyebrows is said to change shape very often, which can be tricky for girls who like to get their eyebrows plucked. It's not so much so (but still annoying) for the girls that just like to fill theirs in.
Good news though is that this seasons eyebrow shape is here to stay. The shape starts with a sharp rectangular edge and a soft rise upwards before a small curve at the end. It's staying popular and can be seem on almost all teen girls. I'm not sure why this particular shape is so popular and staying around and why people like it so much they're willing to keep it. It is a really flattering shape for the face and it goes well with a flick of eyeliner.
If you have eyebrows naturally shaped like this then LUCKY YOU but if not then there's always plucking and many eyebrow pencils so good luck :).

Please comment below, I would be happy to hear any suggestions, and follow my blog, I post everyday :)

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